Custom Duty Refund

we offer the most valuable service of custom duty refund or SAD refund in delhi.with our best custom clearance team we can get the refund of your delayed as well as existing files within 30 days with a most affordable price and we will take care of all the documentation procedures for you.

we offer the most valuable service of custom duty refund or SAD refund in Delhi. With our best custom clearance team we can get the refund of your delayed as well as existing files within 30 days with a most affordable price and we will take care of all the documentation procedures for you.

We are offering services to customer for Refund of Special Additional Duty. The special addition duty is the duty paid on the imported goods. The person, who import those goods can claim for the refund after the sale of those goods.

The documents to be attached with the refund claim:
  • Documents showing the payment of SAD
  • Invoice of the goods in respect of which the refund is claimed.
  • Documents showing payment of proper taxes.
  • Copy of consignment sale agreement.
  • Self declaration documentation.
  • Certificate from CA or Statutory auditor.
  • Any other document that is considered to be necessary while claiming.

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